
Sunday, March 10, 2019

How Maui brang fire to the world

One night Maui wondered how to make fire.So he went and lit all the fire out .
The next morning everyone woke up and complained and said
“How are we going to keep warm at night”. “How am i going to cook food for my
children” shouted the villagers. They were so mad at Maui so they told him  
“you must go to the volcano and get more fire” yelled the villagers. So then
Maui started his voyage to go and find mahuika. Along the way he came pass
a pukeko and a kiwi bird who wanted to go with him and he said yes.They
walked and they found the volcano just before Maui walked in he had a karkia
and then took a deep breath in and with his confidence he walked in and saw
Mahuika. So then Maui asked can “I please have some fire” so then Mahuika
gave maui 1 finger nail and Maui said thank you,So Maui walked out and went
and threw it in the river so then he walked back and said sorry  Mahuika I had
tripped and it fell into the river. Maui keep walking back and forth telling different
types of excuses so then Mahuika only had one more fire ball left and she
knew that Maui was telling lies, So then Mahuika got angry and light up the
floor. Then Maui ran as fast as he could to go outside because how the fire
was burning the floor, He got outside and he quickly turned into an eagle and
flew up so Mahuika got so mad she frew her last ball at Maui and it had miss
and it Hit the tree Maui ran as fast as he could back home and taught the
people how to make fire with branches.

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